"Nobody ever told me I couldn't do something, and as a result I tried all sorts of things" said Carolyn Chambers '53, the trailblazing entrepreneur who died on Monday, August 8. Chambers's entrepreneurial spirit blossomed while she was still in her twenties, when she borrowed $100,000 from her father, pooled that with funds from other investors, and applied for an FCC license. Her request was granted and KEZI went on the air in 1960. This was just the start for Chambers, whose vision and drive propelled her into cable television, construction, and the wine industry, among other ventures. Her lasting legacy at the business school includes a professorship that bears her name, her generous support for the construction of the Lillis Business Complex, and the key role she played in developing the UO's Technology Entrepreneurship Program. She will be missed. Find out more about Chambers and read the UO tribute.